5 Tips to Improve the Power of Your Mind to Improve Your Health


Did you know your mind can heal your body? If this is news to you, let me assure you, I was once where you are. I did not grow up thriving, let alone using my mind. Actually quite the opposite. I was surviving, toxic AF, anxious and physically unhealthy. 

This ideal changed my life. It was, and still is, a long and intentional path and I hope this information helps you on your journey. This can seem so “far out” but, your mind can heal any ailment of the human condition and below I am going to show you resources and information to do just that!

There are various modalities in which the mind can become activated to heal the body. Some techniques are ancient and some “new age”. I found this concept while studying for my doctorate degree. The key is unlocking the subconscious, and reprogramming the way you think to create a physical change. 

There is a wonderful article here, which distinguishes the difference between the brain and mind, because they are not the same thing. The brain is the organ that receives any input from the body and then sends signals to make the needed change. The mind is the antennae or receiver of thought and awareness, and science still has a difficult time explaining its origins.

Methods to activate the mind range from meditation, mindfulness, hypnotherapy, reading and various others. I will break down each type briefly and share resources to grow your knowledge to create health, even in the burden of dis-ease.

So, if you are stressed, depressed, unhealthy and tired of it all, you are in the right place. These techniques will catapult you into improving every area of your life. If you want to make a choice to take care of yourself, changing your mind state is where you MUST begin! Let’s play!

Below are 5 areas to give you answers to activating your mind.

  1. What are the techniques to activate and change the mind?

  2. Who are the leaders in this research?

  3. 4 books that will improve your understanding.

  4. How does mind activation heal your physical body?

  5. How do you incorporate this in everyday life? 

  1. What are the techniques to activate and change the mind?

Let’s begin with the techniques for activating the mind.

  • Meditation: This ancient technique dates back more than 5,000 years and has been used in India, China and spread through Europe and America in the recent centuries. It has become a hot topic word. Meditation is described as mindfulness and according to The Mayo Clinic, meditation is considered a type of mind-body complementary medicine. “It can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. When you meditate, you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress.” There are countless types and some examples you can research are:

    • metta, or loving-kindness meditation

    • mantra meditation

    • spiritual meditation

    • focused meditation

    • walking meditation

    • transcendental meditation

    • visualization meditation

“ Meditation is a vital way to purify and quiet the mind, thus rejuvenating the body” Deepak Chopra

As you can see the list is long and as a reminder, there is no wrong way to start, just start. Next up is affirmation

  • Affirmations: These are positive phrases that are spoken out loud and repeated. Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes. I highly recommend writing down your affirmations and repeating them daily. The power is in the habits and once you have done this for about 21 days, you will notice a difference in your thinking. There are pre-made affirmations like the ones here, and there are also journals like this one here to get you started!

Affirmations were very helpful in the beginning and many successful people still use them! Hypnotherapy is the next option to tap into the subconscious mind.

  • Hypnotherapy: I suggest seeking a licensed professional with experience in this field. Hypnosis taps into the subconscious and while there is conflicting belief and research, this  has been shown to be a powerful method giving insight into the human body. The most profound American clairvoyant, Edgar Cayce, utilized hypnotic states to diagnose and treat diseases of those who came for his help. His audiobook “Self Hypnosis” teaches others to harness the skill he accidentally found. Each person has the ability to tap into higher knowledge through the mind. His site edgarcayce.org has a wealth of information.

You have to do your own research and be your own advocate. I encourage free thinking and that leads into the next topic. While the list below can be considered ‘taboo’, they have their place in clinical and spiritual settings.

  • The use of mind altering drugs: naturally occuring substances and lab created versions open up the consciousness and create a state of hypersensitivity to our surroundings; these have been used by medicine men, shamans, and psych professions to destroy the ego and connect with the subconscious to heal. Examples are listed below.

    • Microdosing with medicinal mushrooms and LSD

    • Ayahuasca

    • DMT

    • MDMA

  • Energy Workers and healers: If you are unsure and do not want to explore this mind body healing alone, there are so many healers in different avenues of life that can assist you in your journey including reiki master’s, and energy workers.

“ The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself”- Michel de Montaigne

2. Who are the leaders in this research?

The below men have had a profound impact on the use of the mind to heal the body, most biography information read below can be elaborated on their personal sites.

  • Dr. Joe Dispenza 

    • Dr. Joe Dispenza recommends meditation as a healing process for people to heal and also evolve their consciousness. In addition to that, Dr. Joe bases his meditation on his findings from neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics.

  • Dr. Deepak Chopra

    • Dr. Chopra believes that a person may attain "perfect health", a condition "that is free from disease, that never feels pain", and "that cannot age or die". Seeing the human body as undergirded by a "quantum mechanical body" composed not of matter but of energy and information, he believes that "human aging is fluid and changeable; it can speed up, slow down, stop for a time, and even reverse itself," as determined by one's state of mind. He claims that his practices can also treat chronic disease.

  • Eckart Tolle

    • A German born writer, his philosophy lies in effortless awareness. His books and teachings on presence and awareness have impacted millions. Much of his teachings come from Eastern spiritual philosophies and he takes difficult to understand verbiage and translates it into understandable text.

  • Wayne Dyer

    • Wayne Dyer proceeded to build on his success with lecture tours, a series of audiotapes, PBS programs, and regular publication of new books. Dyer's message resonated with many in the New Thought Movement and beyond. He often recounted anecdotes from his family life and repeatedly used his own life experience as an example. His self-made man success story was a part of his appeal. Dyer told readers to pursue self actualization, calling reliance on the self a guide to "religious" experience, and suggested that readers emulate Jesus Christ, whom he termed both an example of a self-actualized person and a "preacher of self-reliance". Dyer criticized societal focus on guilt, which he saw as an unhealthy immobilization in the present due to actions taken in the past. He encouraged readers to see how parents, institutions, and even they, themselves, had imposed guilt trips upon themselves.

  • Bruce Lipton

    • Bruce Lipton has said, "When I first started back in the '70s and my research was coming out, it was the golden age of genes. My research irritated a lot of people. I always thought of them as lemmings running off the cliff of DNA, and I'm standing there on the side with the results from my stem-cell studies thinking, 'Oh my God, you're all going the wrong way.' At some point I realised that they marginalised my work because it didn’t conform to their conventional beliefs and I thought, well, they’re not even being scientists. And I just left the system. I realized the message is more important for the average person than it is to argue in the halls of science".

      3. 4 books that will improve your understanding.

      *Becoming Supernatural- by Dr. Joe Dispenza


*You Are The Placebo- by Dr. Joe Dispenza


*The Power of Now- by Eckart Tolle


* The Biology of Belief- by Bruce Lipton


4. How does mind activation heal your physical body?

There are two ways I like to describe this: scientifically and spiritually.

Scientifically speaking, I follow Dr. Joe Dispenza on the topic. His life’s work revolves around changing the thinking in a person to change the wiring. Changing the wiring of the mind, changes the energetic field around that person, which in turn changes the physical structure. 

He gives great examples in his research of women who had ovarian cancers. The women who had not yet presented with physical problems, had the same energetic readings that were measured in the diseased women and they too eventually developed the same physical outcomes. They proved our energetic state has changed before our physical states. Our energy state is controlled by our mind and emotions.

The second method utilizes what great spiritual teachers have described as the power of prayer. In a study for complementary and alternative medicine, you can read here, the most powerful form of healing was prayer for yourself and the number two was prayer for another.

“ Be here now. Be some place later. Is that so complicated?” -David M. Bader

5. How to apply these tools to your everyday life?

  • Simple, you just have to want to. A burning desire, which I reference throughout my articles, is the key to success in anything you do. Wanting to do it will make you do it. Also, taking an action step is what brings it to fruition. So the desire plus the action will create habits in your everyday life with meditation, mindfulness, hypnosis, prayer or whatever technique works best for you.

  • Create a routine. That will ensure success. There is power in rituals aka physical routines. That's why so many religions, corporations, families and many other organizations thrive on routine, it creates success. Pick a place and it doesn’t have to be a mountain top in the Himalayas. Mine is at the edge of my sectional sofa. Pick a time: Mine is when I first wake up in the morning. Before I do anything else, I meditate. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. 

  • Follow the great leaders and try to meditate at dawn and dusk. These are the times of the day that accessing your subconscious are easiest due the transitionin time.

  • Start small. When I first started to WANT to meditate, I would forget, I would get bored, and then I started with three minutes a day. That’s it, 3 minutes. Once I established the habit, I began to increase the time.

  • Find what style work for you. It’s not all about being quiet and “clearing’ your mind. That is a misconception many of my patients have had towards meditaiton. I highly recommend trying the various apps to discover all the methods to meditation.

  • Give yourself GRACE. Just because you have a bad moment, or don’t meditate, or eat bad or cry yourself to sleep (guilty) doesn't mean that tomorrow isn’t a new day. You can try to do better the next day. Give yourself permission to fail and understand this is a journey and there is no destination while living on this earth. 

“The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.” -Rumi

The information described is just the beginning. My advice would be to stay hungry in seeking the information to use your mind to heal your body and your will find it. Have fun and please feel free to email me with any questions or more information. To you all, peace, love and life!

“We’ve in fact conditioned ourselves to believe all sorts of things that aren’t necessarily true — and many of these things are having a negative impact on our health and happiness.”- Dr. Joe Dispenza


Blog Post #2 Coming Soon!